Elise Geary

Artist Statement

My paintings combine the outer world of natural phenomena with inner feelings and imagination. Water (deep seas/calm estuaries), wind (strong ocean gusts/light evening breezes), heat, cool, rain, sunlight, star skies, galaxies, cellular organisms, and the innumerable inexplicable energies of our world all inspire a sense of wonder in me.

Strength and power are contrasted with calmness and receptiveness by combining luminous atmosphere, broad strokes, and texture. With this abstract approach, I invite viewers to explore the energies and expressions of each painting from their own individual perspective. Enter and enjoy!


Elise Weinrich Geary grew up in Michigan and took classes at Cranbrook Academy of Art prior to attending Bennington College. Her initial focus on a career in art changed to science, leading to medical school at Medical University of South Carolina and a Dermatology residency at Duke Medical University. She opened a private practice in Durham, NC in 1982.
In 1993, Elise renewed her interest in art and began showing and selling her watercolors in various galleries in North Carolina until retiring from her full-time medical practice to move to Vero Beach, Florida in 2010.  This allowed her to commit fully to a second career in her original love….Art.

Elise furthered her art education through study with nationally known artists in various workshops around the country. She has also completed post-graduate work with a 1-year Art Mastery Immersion Program with noted artist and master teacher Marianne Mitchell. This has allowed her to move into a deeper realm of artistic expression through abstraction, creating paintings inspired by the connection between human spirit and nature.  Her background in science has evolved into an exploration for the intangibles and mysteries we experience in life, and her paintings represent that fresh approach to the world around us.